average markup wholesale jewelry Why is Chinese gold cheap

average markup wholesale jewelry Why is Chinese gold cheap

3 thoughts on “average markup wholesale jewelry Why is Chinese gold cheap”

  1. jewelry wholesale market in hong kong The reason why Chinese gold is cheap is because its main business is to sell gold bars to customers. The sales of gold jewelry are only its sideline for China Gold Group Co., Ltd. The processing cost is not high, and the production process is not complicated. Therefore, the cost is cheaper than the jewelry of other brands.

    extension information:
    gold investment is mainly divided into physical gold, gold T d, paper gold, spot gold, international spot gold (commonly known as London gold), futures gold, future Gold advance payment, people's livelihood gold, these 8 more popular gold investment forms.
    The real gold, gold bars, gold ornaments, etc. buy and sell primary items on the substantial items. Physical gold: In the form of 1: 1, how many currencies are purchased and how much gold preservation can be purchased, it can only buy up, not to buy down, large investment, the procedures and expenses are complicated. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false and color.
    Golden T D: 1: 5: 5. The transaction is divided into three time periods. Two -way buying and selling is a matching transaction. There is no difference. The disadvantage is that the transaction is not active and the premium is generated. You can choose a bank. The advantage is that the bank is provided, and the disadvantage is that the bank's handling fee is outrageous.
    Paper gold: Paper gold is a unique business unique to China, ICBC and CCB. Paper gold is a golden paper transaction. Investors' trading records are only reflected in the "gold passbook account" pre -opened "gold passbook account", instead of involving the extraction of physical gold. The profit model is to buy a high -selling high -selling profit. Paper gold is actually profitable through speculative transactions, not investment in gold. The advantage is that the bank is provided. The disadvantage is that there is no leverage. The cost is too high. In the mode, two -way operations can be bought, up, and decline. The ratio of leverage is 1: 12.5. It is the only investment variety in China that adopts the market business system, which can extract golden objects.
    Gold prepaid: Gold prepaid business, also known as the gold delay business, is a relatively mainstream domestic gold investment method. For example, the gold prepaid business launched by the northern gold and silver industry uses 25 times or 50 times leveraged, and only needs to pay 2%or 4%of the prepaid to realize the purchase and sale of the gold standard. The purpose of obtaining the difference.

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