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  1. wholesale jewelry making supplies china Regarding the theme of the Girls' Day (Selected 7 Articles)
    In Girls' Day, you can plan the theme activities. Let ’s take a look at the theme of the Girls' Day activities below. Welcome to learn from.

    The event theme of Girls 'Day 1. Activity theme:
    "I’ m the queen "Girls' Day, singing the soul, showing the true style.
    . Guidance thought:
    When the spring flowers bloom, the charm is four shots. In order to enrich the cultural life of the campus, care for the majority of girls in our department, enhance the communication between men and girls, so that boys and girls can understand each other, discover each other's advantages, and build a harmonious campus. In order to activate the cultural life of the campus, build a good environment for education, strengthen the education and concern of girls, cultivate the excellent quality of "self -esteem, self -love, self -reliance, and self -improvement" of female college students, and improve the comprehensive quality of female college students. Blooming beautiful style, caring for girls, respect for women calling on all boys and girls to participate, so that girls feel the respect and blessings from boys. At the same time, at the end of the event, all girls will send blessings to boys together, so that boys can experience the meaning of "gifted people roses and leaving incense in their hands" from the event.
    . Activity purpose:
    1. Enrich campus cultural life, promote sincere exchanges between men and women, build a harmonious campus
    2. Caring for girls, care for girls, and send to every girl in my department. Blessings on the festival.
    3. Let girls feel the respect and love of girls for girls.
    4. Establishing girls' self -reliance, self -reliance, self -love, forever pioneering, striving to become the happiest charming woman, the best woman.
    5. Create our girl's own festival.
    6. Let the boys feel the significance of "gifted people roses, leaving incense in hand" at the end of the event, and receive blessings from all girls from the entire department.
    . Activity time:
    20xx April 18th at 7: 00
    5. Event object:
    All students and other brothers of various departments or other brothers The classmates of the department
    6. Activity location:
    Theater theater
    Seven, organizational departments:
    The General Branch of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department
    2. The organizer: the female department of the general branch of the rehabilitation medical department
    3. The co -organizer: n (1) Staff and responsibilities
    The supervision department is responsible for field order and selection supervision
    The news of the Ministry of News
    The Department is responsible for the layout of the stage
    The Ministry of Labor Health is responsible for hygiene
    The study department is responsible for light
    (2) Preliminary preparation of the event
    1. Notice to the class leaders of each class during the event and Activity time, the specific requirements of time at 6:20 pm on the 18th are as follows:
    (1) Preparation of programs by themselves for each class, the form is unlimited, requiring within 3 minutes.
    (2) The theme of the program should be praised and blessed the girls in this class.
    (3) The programs performed by boys can invite girls to join, and the girls in this class as their own class of the Lara team will also use the atmosphere and the public voting as the evaluation of the atmosphere and the on -site Volkswagen. Good fluorescence sticks, promotional boards, etc., the cost of each class will pay the cost of each class.
    2. Propaganda: The head of the class and notifying the class leader
    3. Apply for the use of the theater
    (3) Event process content
    1, 7:00 activities officially start
    . The performance officially started each class performed according to the order of the lottery
    . R n 4. Evaluation of excellent classes, the leaders of the leaders award
    5. The sign language association leads the whole department of girls to perform together
    (4) Event steps

    2. Setting stage
    3. Invite leaders and guests
    4. Examine programs, rehearsal
    5. Notification of various departments to cooperate with work
    (5) Event implementation
    . Event application
    2. Application with sponsorship business sponsorship and sign contract
    3. Application to use the theater on the evening of April 18th
    4. Customized before April 13th Out of the program list and invited guests
    5. Rehearsing on April 18, and the propaganda department is arranged to prepare other spare items at the stage Start
    . The reward mechanism:
    1. 20 public reviews were selected by the on -site randomly. After the show's performance, the teacher score. Secondly, the public judging class that supports the support of each vote is equal to 0.1 points to add the scoring results.
    2. After each program is over, the teacher's score and the public review options are selected based on the selection program. Finally, the first, second, and third prizes were selected based on the results of two selection.
    eleven, feasibility analysis:
    1. The leader's strong support for this event
    2. Rehabilitation is a department with more girls, including the main part of girls, many activities, many activities Both girls must do it. Take this opportunity to let our boys express their care and respect for girls. Let our girls one day belong to our festivals. At the end of the event, all girls will give blessings to the boys who perform to give back to boys. , Let the boys understand the meaning of "giving people roses, leaving incense in hand".
    3. This event will be evaluated by excellent classes, and there will be a lucky lottery in the event. This will fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each class
    4. This event has sponsorship of merchants, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds, which can save funds. Essence
    The event theme of Girls 'Day 2 I Activity Name: "She has spent Girls' Day today"
    The purpose of the second activity:
    2 Promote the new concept of girls' lives, promote self -esteem, self -confidence, self -improvement, self -reliance
    3 to enrich campus life, provide girls with the stage to show themselves
    4 to send festivals to each girl at school r r r r r
    three activities time: March 8th to 14th
    The event object: all students of Wanfang Science and Technology College
    Five activities location: Wanfang Science and Technology College
    Six activities hosting: Wanfang Science and Technology College Youth League Committee and College Student Union
    Activity hosting: Girls Department of Wanfang Science and Technology College, female students at various departments
    Seven activities
    1. Preparation:
    : The female department of the college student union and the female department of various departments conducted publicity in the entire hospital in the form of board publicity
    2. The campus style contest
    In order to cooperate with our college's quality education activities, the college student union held a "campus personality style contest" event. The purpose of this event is to show the style of college students in the new period and enrich the extraordinary life of college students.
    . Time: 19:00 on the evening of March 14
    . Venue: Small Auditorium of Wanfang Science and Technology Institute
    . The organizer: the Youth League Committee of the College of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology nIn undertaking units: the female department of the college student union, the girls department of each department
    . Participants: all the students of our college
    5. Registration time: March 5th to March 9
    registration registration Location: The Office of the Student Union of the College
    . The competition process: the preliminary and finals
    Prelinder arrangement: March 9 (Tuesday) 1:00 noon Teaching Building
    The finals are held in four parts
    The passion speeches (10 %): The contestants are required to play in the form of a catwalk. According to the theme of "personality style" (the topic is not limited, the form is not limited) Self introduction.
    The travel (40 %): Players can show your personality, unlimited content, diverse forms, 4 minutes (singing, dance, gym, magic, live painting, musical performance, fashion performance , English talk show, etc.), you can invite classmates and friends to participate in the performance together, men and women are unlimited.
    The witty (20 %) The host selects lucky audiences to ask the lucky audience to ask the players to examine the players' random response ability.
    The friends and friend gangs (30 %): Participants can choose partners at will and perform on the spot. The content form is unlimited. (The time does not exceed two minutes, it is best not to repeat the form in the talent display).
    Seven, competition promotion:
    1. The pre -event report is reported in the form of board, posters and other forms. I hope that students will actively sign up;
    2. Summary after the event and summarize in the form of press release.
    eight, awards settings:
    The first prize of the first prize of the first prize, the "Best Performance Award" a "Best Gentleman Boys" and "Best Lady"
    3. "Wish convenience" activity
    In the sunny spring, we ushered in the first festival-Girls' Day. The Girls' Department of our college will organize some activities with the girls of various departments to make the majority of students spend the festival easily and happily.
    Activity content: Wish convenience posted
    (1) Time: March 8
    (2) Content: "Write blessings, let go of your wish". The classmates wrote a blessing card that described the voices and dreams of dreams. With the assistance of the members of the female department, the card was hung on the silk line of the color balloon decoration to pass the blessing.
    (3) Venue: The intersection of the college's main road and the cherry blossom road
    (4) Purpose: Increase the understanding and exchanges between students, enhance the friendship between students, and promote the "harmonious campus "development of.
    4. Lucky mind is delivered at any time.
    S selection of several colors in advance as lucky colors. The top of the classmates who participated in the event was lucky color, and we were fortunate to get the small gifts we provided.
    Activity time: March 8
    5. Movie screening
    Activity time: March 9th 4: 00
    Location: multimedia screening hall
    6. " Star Wishes "Wish Wish Activity
    Activity Time: March 10
    Activity location: Tennis Court
    Colon Activity arrangement: first collect the careful wishes of girls in the hospital, put these wishes into balloons, so After the boys of the hospital designed the previous small levels, they broke the balloon and then realized the wishes of the girls.
    7. "Lucky and laughing to her":
    Coloning a happy icon (photo, picture, paper -cutting, etc.) in the entire hospital, each person can choose to send themselves a beauty and deliver a happy work. To the Girls' Department of the Student Union of the College, we will select outstanding works from it and award the first, second and third prizes.
    In themes of Girls 'Day 3 I. Activity theme:
    Callow Girls' Day, Reads her Angel Dream
    . Event background:
    The festival of beautiful girls is also the stage for all beautiful and virtuous friends to show her stage. It is said that every year on the "March 8th" International Labor Women's Day, college girls do not want to call themselves women, and they do not want to give up women's festival privileges. Some people have proposed that there will be Girls' Day since then. According to a widely circulated sentence, "Girls and women are only one day", everyone calls March 7, the day before the day of March 8 as "Girls 'Day". This day is called blessing girls' days. Essence So we will set the event on March 7th. I hope that youthful and beautiful girls can show a beautiful side under our efforts. Let us laugh and laugh on March 7, see the youthful style, and feel the happiness of campus life.
    . Activity purpose:
    1. Improve the etiquette and cultural knowledge of female college students in our school
    2. Improve the awareness of rights protection of female college students in the school
    3. Create a better for female college students in the school Learning and living environment
    4. Helping the female college students in this school to shape self -love, self -improvement of good image
    5. Promote the culture of girls' festival, lead girls to create beauty Feelings
    . The organizer:
    The student department of the Wendong Campus of Shandong Xinhua College
    5. The organizer:
    The students of the college
    Seven, activity time:
    March 7, 20xx
    8. Activity location:
    Activity arrangement:
    (1) Basic preparation
    1. Hold a departmental meeting,
    2. Determine the props you need to use in the event, make timely preparations
    . Consider first. Emergency events and processing methods, prepare for from time to time,
    4. Sort the relevant information, allocate the work of the officer to do the work of going to work
    5. Application of the venue
    6. Arrange the manpower Questions
    7, 5 colors of different colors. Balloon, several colors, surprise boxes, paper pen, various gifts, etc.
    (2) Preliminary publicity
    1. Time: late February
    2. Propaganda form:
    ) Student union propaganda department posted a number of publicity posters in the propaganda column r
    ) The class is based on the class, and the staff of the student union department promotes it in the class through the Student Union Case to promote it in the class or contact the team leader through the organization department to promote
    ) Many propaganda for pulling banners (such as you and women only have you in our hearts. Girls in a certain class, you are the goddess of our hearts forever. Ask the beauty where there are, shepherds refer to Dashan Xin. Wait)
    5) According to the actual situation, relevant departments can properly carry out other forms of publicity.
    Ten. Activity process --- Wish Wall Wall Activity
    1. Activities:
    This is a traditional activity that Girls' Day must be held every year. This event is intended to use the wishes of boys to satisfy the small wishes of girls, strengthen the connection between students, so that girls can feel care, feel warmth, and at the same time promote communication between men and women.
    2. Activity time:
    March 5, 2016-March 7, 2016
    3. Activity location:
    The door of the first floor of the school cafeteria
    4. Preliminary publicity
    ① Poster publicity: Paste the female newspaper at the door of the cafeteria, teaching building, and dormitory promotional column.
    ② Media propaganda: Through the college radio station
    5 Live layout:
    This to arrange the two wishing walls, hang the ribbon and small heart -shaped jewelry.
    6 Specific procedures:
    1 Love breakfast
    After the morning training in the morning, boys or boyfriends in each class are responsible for buying love breakfast for girls and sent to girls. It is best to be surprised, so let girls know in advance. (Let girls feel the warmth of the festival early in the morning)
    2, color balls
    Prepare several balloon, at least five colors of balloon, each color at least several, divided into several groups into several groups (At that time, the number of girls in the girls) The balloon prepared by boys in advance is written in each group prepared by the balloon. Each group of ball balls are written with a happy girl's festival, and 5 words are written on each 5 colors of balloons. Everyone sees a girl who gives him a balloon, so that the girls can find these words by themselves. There are small gifts (small cards, rubber bands, etc.) who can successfully make this line of words This is three groups. The fastest speed will get a small gift)
    3, the surprise box
    first the service staff will ask the constellation of the participants and girls, if the drawn note (advance in advance (advance in advance The constellation bar in the surprise box) is consistent with the constellation of the girl, and there are 5 copies of gifts (such as a flower, a small silk scarf) gift
    4, chorus
    Some of the nice boys sang a song to all girls. This song was selected by the boys in advance to rehearse in advance, requiring the theme of Girls' Day. Warm and positive. Finally end the entire activity process.
    11. End of the event: Summary
    The Wendong Campus of Xinhua College of Shandong
    The activity theme of Girls' Day 4 1. The purpose of the activity
    letting the boys and girls in the whole hospital really feel girls girls The arrival of the festival, fully feel the strong atmosphere of the festival, fully experience the joy of the festival, enjoy the happiness of youth, promote the communication and interaction of male and girls in our college, build a harmonious campus, and enrich university campus culture.
    . Activity time:
    11: 30-14: 30
    . The event location:
    n 4. Activity objects:
    All students at the School of Accounting
    5. Event content
    . Wish convenience stickers
    Convenient to write down your wishes and what you want to say to your classmates and friends, and then stick to the "Wish Wall".
    Activity time: March 15th (11: 30-14: 30)
    The activity meaning: This event is the opening prelude to boys and girls 'festival, which mainly highlights the characteristics of boys and girls' festivals, and for boys and girls The holding of the festival creates a good atmosphere. It aims to allow students to express the blessings, desires, etc. in their hearts through convenient stickers, and enhance the feelings of the students.
    Mudit preparation:
    (1) The Publicity Department designed a poster called "Wish Wall", leaving a certain space for students to put conveniently on
    (2) A certain number of quantities Convenient stickers, several pens
    2. Happy mailing box
    In theme of Girls' Day 5 1. Activity Overview
    Activity location: ×× University New Campus
    Plords: ×× University Student Union
    Activity background:
    ×× university is a national “211 Project” key construction university. Founded in 1958, it has developed into an argument. The combination of science and engineering, the coordinated Fujian provincial key universities that coordinate the development of science, work, science, management, management, literature, law, and art. The main body of the ×× university is located in the ×× University Town, covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres, with more than 26,000 students in the university. It is the largest university in the university town.
    Sessing girls' festival series of activities. In order to better pay attention to the growth of girls, protect the rights and interests of girls, guide girls to establish a modern female spirit of self -esteem, self -love, self -reliance, and self -reliance, and strive to create a healthy, civilized, active, active, active, active, active Innovative campus cultural environment and artistic atmosphere, comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of female college students in the new century.
    Activity time activities
    March 6th Girls' Day Tour Club
    March 6 Lucky Girls Lucky Color
    March 7th to 14th to a letter to girls in the school
    March 13 Charm girls beauty lectures
    This summary of the tea speech at the end of March 19th
    . Activity process
    1. Girls' Day Garden Club
    March 6, 2016
    . Activity process
    1. The college reports to the Girls' Day event of the college. Reporting method: Before 24:00 on March 4, 2011, the event planning to the mailbox of the School Girls 'Department (Email Name: XX College Girls' Day Event Planning Book.)
    . The characteristics of college activities are arranged in a suitable activity area.
    3. On March 5th, the preparations for each activity are implemented to ensure the smooth development of the activities.
    4. On March 6, the Girls' Day Park will officially begin.
    . Precautions:
    1. Each college prepares the preliminary preparation of the event in advance.
    2. Each college should prepare a seal of the college characteristics to stamp the customs levels held by students participating in the college.
    3. Each college should set up special staff to stamp. It should be chanted fairly and fairly to the students participating in the event, and truly implement the use of customs card sets to win prizes to encourage the enthusiasm of students' activities.
    4. Set the mobile group to deal with the problems that occur at the event site.
    5. Each college is equipped with staff to control the activities of the college and the order of activities.
    6. After the event, the staff of each college sort out the scene of this activity area.
    2. Lucky girl lucky color
    A activity process:
    1 Select a color on the day of the event as the lucky color
    2 set at the three district squares, 11:00 noon, because The staff gave a festival flower (or small gift) for the female classmates who passed by the square.
    The required resource:
    Materials: 100 gifts, 2 photos of publicity posters
    Manpower: Each department send a boy to send gifts
    . N Lecture content:
    In this era full of competition, a person's image is a window to the outside world. It has a good external image in the process of competition. This lecture invited the professional lecturers of Skinbao Company to introduce the basic steps of beauty and guide classmates on the spot, so that students can master basic beauty skills to help them establish a good external image and enhance self -confidence. At the same time, the interactive link will be performed on the spot to answer the students' questions in a targeted manner.
    The event theme of Girls' Day 6 I. Activity Background
    The dormitory building of male and girls is relatively far, so communication will be relatively small. On the day of Girls' Day, girls need boys to take care of, so on this day, it is necessary for our boys to hold such a party for girls.
    . The purpose of the activity
    In the exchange of class men and girls
    . The theme of the event
    is good to be a girl.时间:3,7 地点:宿舍对象:电通5Arn   五、 活动的内容rn   做早餐、送礼物、晚上送点心、rn   六、 活动的准备(提前一个星期, In addition to buying food)
    make to make greeting cards, invitations
    to investigate what pictures of the national treasures like, and their photos, use PS to make a greeting card, celebrate their happy holidays, let boys write blessings to blessings Essence At the same time make an invitation letter. Make sure to be handed over to girls in the first two days.
    Jay Rui, Men to find some beauty videos, and videos about Girls' Day, find the song "Love Song King", hip -hop music, and find some funny background music. Remember to debug, do not happen to the hospital.
    Strequent video and video about Girls' Day should not exceed 15 minutes, Guoyu and Wei Jun to choose two hosts to host the draft. It is best to write them. Wait for
    buy food
    include: drinks, biscuits, fruits, square bags, refining milk, a small amount of vegetables for planning
    Instrument, curtain, projector
    production gift: sunny doll, thousands of paper cranes for decoration, and after the end, make cakes for girls
    Materials: fruits, square bags, refining milk
    The first few a few days ago God, Jiahui and Jiaxin make packaging shells. In the afternoon of the day, the cake was made, Jingsun, Xuejie, and Wanzhiqiu fruits. In the process of making cakes, Rui Dan took a picture, Xiao Sheng took a video, and the cake person had to explain, because the party had to be used during the party. Buy balloons and other decorations such as rehearsal songs, hip -hop, tweezers, flutes. It is best to arrange their respective program cake at the beginning of school.
    7. Feasibility analysis

    eight, fund budget

    ninth, risk forecast

    ten, appendix
    The theme of the event. The "Three -Seven Girls' Day" event organized by the school, our class held this event on March 7, 2011 under the organization of the class committee. All girls who account for 80%of the total number of people in this class actively responded to the call in this event. At the same time, it also reproduces the versatile girls of my class girls to a certain extent ...
    The activity process:
    ① The host ’s opening word is about the origin, meaning
    ② ten The four girls' bedroom collectively showed the style of the bedroom in this event
    ③ "Guess who he is"
    The first impression of a boy who "names" on the podium randomly sampled, let the students guess who he is. His name.
    ④ Enter the game "Wang Po Buyou"
    The punishment system says the "White Horse Prince" or "Princess" in your mind. The rigid request for the punishment to confess to the classmates who are in the seat.
    ⑤ Boys of boys in the class to extract lucky girls in the carton with the name of the girls in the class, until in front of her, with the standard gentleman etiquette to give the exquisite small gifts prepared for the girls, and the girl who got the gift to get the gift of gifts Speak on the speech of the gift and the evaluation of the performance of the gift giving boys.
    ⑥ The monitor of the squad leads this activity
    ⑦ The host ’s end language
    This this event better strengthen the sense of class honor, so that the students can better unite in this class body and strengthen the enhancement Class cohesion.

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