ck jewelry wholesale 300,000 jewelry was stolen by girlfriends, and later found that her husband sent fake goods. Which of love and friendship hurts more?

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7 thoughts on “ck jewelry wholesale 300,000 jewelry was stolen by girlfriends, and later found that her husband sent fake goods. Which of love and friendship hurts more?”

  1. wholesale gold jewelry vendors I first ask you a question, smash your head with watermelon, and smash your head with durian. Which one is more painful? This is of course more painful. In the same way, under the double blow of love and friendship, it was naturally that the heroine was even more harmful. Her husband and girlfriend did not reliable. I would like to doubt life in change.
    01, 300,000 jewelry was stolen by girlfriends. After recovery, it was found that it was a fake coordinates in Yuechi County, Sichuan. Ms. Wang reported that her jewelry at home was lost at about 300,000. Police retracted monitoring and found that a woman had entered and exited Ms. Wang's house, and she took a box when they came out. Ms. Wang found that the female thief was her good girlfriend. The police quickly caught her girlfriend and recovered the jewelry according to the picture.
    However, the loss of jewelry did not make Ms. Wang feel any happiness. Because of the identification of professional agencies, she claimed that more than 300,000 jewelry was all kinds of pupa, and the actual value was more than 8,000 yuan. It turned out that these jewelry that her husband sent her was fake.
    02, Ms. Wang thinks that she has a problem, she will be deceived by her husband and girlfriend to face the double betrayal of friendship and love. She has no hysterical anger. Instead, she thinks that her husband only deceives herself for her face. Intentionally her feelings. And the husband and girlfriend he cared about most, they cheated themselves, should be due to their sins.
    Is after Ms. Wang's girlfriend was arrested. She even grabbed her customers. Therefore, the girlfriend followed the key in Ms. Wang's house. When Ms. Wang went out, she secretly took the jewelry box.

    03, good people should not be deceived. In life, they must be protected from kind people like Ms. Wang. Treating kindly. Husband's deception and betrayal of girlfriends are very large for normal people, and most people cannot survive these doubles at all.
    Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, even if you are kind, you must keep an extra heart and beware of the people around you, especially your girlfriends. Essence

  2. wholesale leather jewelry I think for me, it is more love damage, because my husband is a husband and a person who spend a lifetime with you. The two of you are a family, but your girlfriends are not.

  3. wholesale silver mens jewelry Friendship damage is greater. As the so -called knowledgeable person knows, he has seen his true face through the theft of your girlfriends, which makes people feel chilling.

  4. wine onion wholesale jewelry Friendship hurts greater, as a girlfriend who is like a sister stole her own things, which can also be said to be betrayal. Although her husband sent fakes, he was intentional and didn't want his wife to be disappointed.

  5. wholesale costume jewelry canada I think friendship hurts more, because even if my husband sends fakes, it also expresses certain love, but the jewelry is stolen by girlfriends, which proves that girlfriends do not really love themselves.

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