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  1. crystal jewelry wholesale india The movie "Sindler List" mainly tells a tragic thing that happened during World War II. The following is the essay of the list of the movie Sindler I brought to everyone. I hope you like it.

    This listing of the movie Cindler's list. But that was music, it felt very depressed at the time! Because the music contained too much helplessness, disappointment, horror ... I wanted to see this movie since then, but after all, because of various excuses that are not excuses, they are not excuses for excuses. And I did n’t look at ...
    , it was already a sophomore! In the course and teaching introduction last week, the teacher mentioned it. Finally, I decided to watch it. The time arrangement is not appropriate. After watching it three times! In the film, I met Oscar Schindler, a "Nazis" who made me respect!
    Sindler is a love The businessman of the wealth, he is also very colorful! This is my original impression of him. But this is nothing. After all, the essence of people is selfish! The atrocities of the Nazis have gradually kept Sindler away from his "organization". In 1943, the brutal blood washing of the Krakov Jews made Sindler's final fantasy of the Nazi! He knew that the Nazi slaughter of Jews and the horrible Oswelin concentration camp. Since then, he has only one idea: protect the Jews as much as possible, so that he will avoid the death of Oswelin!
    The list of workers who claim to be "necessary" who claims to be "necessary" in the factory, After bribing Nazi officials, they survived. He was increasingly suspected of violating the racial law, but he dodged the persecution witly every time, as always, and rescued the Jews at the end of his life. When a train transported by his female worker was staggered to Oswelin, he spent heavily to rescue them his "factory"! Soon, the Soviet Red Army came to Clarkov and went to the Sindler Factory. The surviving Jews of Line announced that the war was over!
    The night of the snowfall, Sindler bid farewell to the workers, and more than 1,000 Jews who were rescued sent him off for him. They gave a testimony of automatic signature to Sindler to prove that he was not a war criminal. At the same time, some people also knocked on their own golden teeth, made a golden ring, presented to him, and engraved a famous Jewish saying on the ring: saving people's life is equivalent to saving the whole human. Sindler was full of tears, and he felt painful to rescue more Jews. Sindler has done his best for his redemption operation. All his property has been used to save Jewish life. In the heavy snow, the Jews watched Sindler leave the city, and his righteousness was always remembered by the Jews! Sindler is a respectable person!
    Sindler a person who makes me respect!
    Movies Schindler's list of views 2
    The discussion about human nature has never stopped since ancient times. In this world of good and evil, countless good deeds and evils are constantly happening in history. In the war, the goodness and evil of human beings showed nothing, and "Sindler's List" was such a movie.
    The background of the story In World War II, our protagonist, Oscar Schindler, was a Nazi party member. Before the war began, he associated with people from all walks of life with Nazi. Because of his outstanding social skills, he has a good relationship with many Nazi characters. Subsequently, the war broke out, and his factory was also changed to a factory for manufacturing military equipment. In order to operate normally, he hired a lot of Jews as workers, and he also made great fortune.
    With the advancement of the war, the Nazi __s of the Jews slaughtered crazy, and Sindler, who has not been annihilated by human nature, began his salvation. Since then, the story has really begun.
    The whole film, Sindler is constantly changing. The fate of the Jews has been almost indifferent, to gradually waking up, and to doing everything, and finally exhausted everything to save that life.
    In a three -hour film, the director almost all used black and white to perform.
    The is clear black and white, which directly expresses the truth of the film expressed, so that the viewers can reach the evil of human nature in pure feelings -the extinction of Nazi ___ Glory.
    In many thrilling things in Sindler's factory: a group of Nazi officers came to the factory to inspect. A bearing worker worked hard. The officer stepped forward and deliberately made it difficult: "It's very skilled, do a look immediately, I will give you time." Then he took out the stopwatch. "Good chief!" He replied simply, but could deeply feel his inner fear. Soon, he skillfully completed a series of actions, and one bearing was completed. "Yes." The officer said, "But why did you just do such a little today?" He picked up the box on the side, shaking the bearing inside. Without the slightest explanation time, the other two officers on the side dragged him to leave the factory. Outside the factory, the Jewish workers held their heads with both hands and fell on the cement floor. The officer pulled out the pistol from the waist without hesitation, and the bay,
    off the trigger -no response, rising, deducted trigger trigger trigger, the trigger trigger trigger , Large, Display trigger ...
    , no matter how repeated, the gun has not been turned on, the worker thief kneels, and he shakes constantly, explaining again and again, and almost can't even speak. The frustrated officer asked the guns of the other two officers, and the loading or deducting trigger -still did not respond.
    The workers still kneeling there, sobbing in fear.
    The officer scolded, and fiercely smashed the head of the worker after leaving.
    The most impressed me: At the end of World War II, Sindler was about to be sent to prison due to the status of the Nazi party members. When he was in the field of vision at this moment, everyone took off his hat in an invincible manner. His accountant was also his most powerful assistant who gave a gold ring to Sindler. After Schindler understood the ring made of this worker's golden teeth, his hands kept trembling with both hands, and the ring fell to the ground without carefulness. Looking for this ring, it raised it.
    In the end of the film, the Jewish workers were liberated by Soviet soldiers. They ran on a large plain, and the picture gradually became color, and the actors also became the Jews saved by Sindler. Descendants. They came to Sindler's tomb, and everyone put down a stone. In the end, as the actor of Sindler put a red rose in the film, it ended.
    In a three -hour film, the persecution of the Jews, the bodies on the streets, children hiding in the pit in the pit ... All these are realistic ways to express human ugliness and evil performance It is full. The human nature of Sindler is the red rose in the swamp, the diamond in the glass residue, exuding a dazzling humanity! Chifeng Keteng Banner's Shed Senior High School, High School, High School
    I felt the cruelty of the war in the movie "Sindler's List". The frenzy of money also feels the kindness of Sindler, the Jewish unity and grace, and the perfection of the glittering humanity behind the war.
    1. War always arouses the dark side of people's hearts
    Perhaps this sentence of Sindler is really reasonable, but it is not exactly the case. Nazi officers such as the cruel abuse of Jews may have a deep disgust of the Jews before the war, but the butcher knife that killed the Jews was given by the war. The blood and ruthlessness of the war gave them the blind and confidence of contempt for Jewish life. In that era full of killing, the main theme of the times is no longer selfless and love. People are dominated by high -class capital. Also confident people enjoy the greenery and freeness of lights brought by others in the tragic world.
    Setler is not born. He was not a great man who was willing to dedicate at first. He also had such a luxurious life, and his changes were visible. He witnessed the Jews being driven and killed. He heard the scream of the Jews silently and exhausted. Seeing the red girl in the field of vision at this moment, he turned into a misery of a cold corpse at the time of goodbye. The innocent blood of the Jews diluted his indifference, and his heart was finally awakened by the light.
    This not only aroused the darkness of the heart, but also the light hidden in my heart.
    2. I guess Amon ...
    Amun is a cold -blooded and arrogant Nazi officer. He will cruelly kill the innocent Jews, and will kill the nails to kill the bathtub Li Xiek, he will abuse Helen ... but I think his perverted actions stem from worship of Hitler and hatred for Jews. Killing was a common phenomenon at that time, so he chose to kill and got pleasure in killing, and gradually thought that killing became a matter of self -employment. But everything in the world has two sides. I guess that he is not 100 % bad. He will listen to Hitler's persuasion. Forgive many people who have made mistakes when they make mistakes, they will confess to Helen. Deller asked him to ask Helen immediately, and I guess that he was in the contradiction of pain.
    The aversion to the Jews in his heart prompted him to slaughter the Jews, and he seemed to like a Jewish girl. When he was convicted of a Jewish girl, he was in prison. Deller pleaded with him that the Jewish girl confused him. They all had this kind of ability to make people want to marry her. Many of my subordinates had this disease. He liked Shanghai Lun at this time. After that, he confessed to Helen. The Nazi officer appeared incoherently. When he was going to succeed, the hatred in his heart awakened him again. He beat Helen and insulted She, he struggled between Aleon and hate the Jews. When Sindler asked him for Helen, he directly proved that he would not let Helen go, and he had to grow old with Helen, although he failed to resist the temptation of money.
    If Amon is only Amon, there is no war, there is no racial prejudice against the Jews, I guess Amon will be a good person, and the perfection in his heart will be fully appeared. Wife, a complete family, grows old in the joy of her children and grandchildren.
    . Extremely good and evil people, they all think of doing too little in the end.
    The on the eve of the liberation of Schinler, he recalled what he did on the eve of liberation, and he regretted that he wasted a lot of money. These waste money could be used to save more lives. Steen cried into tears on his shoulders, which was distressing. On the eve of liberation, the Germans ordered more people to kill more people in the early morning, but most of the Germans were already discouraged, so the final slaughter mission was gone, and it was eliminated for a catastrophe.
    In the end, after the precipitation of time, do we have a complete life in our lives? What regrettable things? Because of what can I feel? Or regret doing something wrong? Really do my best, but I feel that I do n’t do it enough, but others say it is good?
    Perhaps like Sindler, he has paid more than one hundred more than others. Double efforts are grateful and respectful by these 1100 Jews. They can think of the past. The species. He regrets the extravagant life that he has possessed. Maybe you can feel that there are only a handful of people who regret. More or less higher than reality, so as long as you think of this effort, you have done your best, the result is the best, there is no reason to regret it. But if you do evil things and do not make up for the evil results left, you will use the whole life to reflect on the bitter taste.
    . Please do not show war again
    The 6 million Jews being killed, which one is not worthy of having a happy life? Shouldn't Singerler have a smooth and comfortable life? And the Nazis were the beginning of the beginning of the beginning. Is it engaged in killing? Because of the war, people's lives were disrupted, and there was a messy world of smoke, and tens of millions of people were harmed in the troubled times. Someone is in the early days and replaced people's tranquility with one of themselves, so heroes have appeared, but I would rather be similar in the world, and they are all mediocre less than heroes. I also hope that there will be no more troubled times and no war. Everyone is comfortable and quietly in their own happiness. Everyone lives equally in this world. Life is clear and lovely.
    Is like a good person like Sindler is too rare, but there are ancient people and come later. Such people will emerge more in the future. Probably everyone needs to protect the perfection in their own hearts and not be subject to the outside world. Habits, do not be lost by life, live freely, and pass on this quiet starlight in your heart.
    The list of samples of the list of movie Cindler 4
    The background of the film "Sindler List" is based on World War II. In the environment, a German entrepreneur saved more than 1,200 Jews, which caused them to escape the bad luck of the slaughter.
    Sindler is a savvy German businessman. He used this war to seduce Jewish merchants to invest and hire cheap Jewish workmanship. The aluminum products produced by the Jewish people, with the advantages of his identity, opened their sales, and made a lot of money in the era of smoke. However, although he didn't necessarily be a good person at first, he didn't say heroes. Like many people, he was just a speculators. At first, it was also a very firm Nazis. For Jewish workers, he just used it and used their labor to obtain a luxurious life of himself. However, it is such a person. It is this person who is not a good person. In a massacre of the Jews provoked by the self -nation, he has exhausted his family wealth, and the final ending is to escape! Under the shelter of this unscrupulous person, the more than 1,200 people became one of the few Jews in the entire Europe! As the film eventually, the Jews sent him that meaningless ring carved on the ring. : "Save a life, that is, to save the world." He did do a great thing.
    Itly, Sindler has done a lot for the Jews. He should have a hero's name, at least the Jews and their descendants on the list will always think so. Because of war, he exposed his greed and unscrupulous means as a businessman; because of war, he realized his respect for life and pursuit of justice. Perhaps it is because of the background of the war that it has achieved a hero like Sindler, an imperfect but real hero.
    In undeniable, a German businessman who was in an advantageous position at that time could risk his life to save the Jews who were regarded as an uninhabited by his compatriots, and Sindler was great. He saved not only more than 1,200 lives, but not just a group of Jews under the racial butcher knife. The human nature of human beings in the battlefield filled with smoke!
    It this nostalgic black and white movie, the cruelty of war and the loss of human nature, but more people did not collapse in despair. Everyone was everyone. Everyone They are eager to live a new life and life, and they are alive strongly, as one of the Jews says "our treasure, that is, we are self, you can't grab it. As long as I am living, as long as I have apprentices, we It will endlessly. "Everyone has faith, even if the body is ash, and the soul will still guide the next life bravely towards freedom.
    In the end, when the Jews walked out of the concentration camp, the entire picture suddenly shown brightly, and a bright color appeared, making the audience feel like dark to light, and the pain in their hearts was expected to replace it. This is also Schindler. The glory is shining, letting us remember this great hero in the Xia Guangxing.
    Every life is equal. Everyone has no right to determine the fate of others, and has no right to deprive life. People who know how to save themselves, people who know how to cherish, and countries that know how to forgive and understand can have an eternal place in this world. Viewing Family Essays 5
    "Sindler's List" is not just a person's good deed, a nation's cup, but also the transformation of people.
    The beginning of the movie, Sindler is a savvy and calm, good -looking businessman. He is familiar with the desire for money in his heart, so he earns the maximum profits with the lowest price. When the Jewish region was washed in blood, all he thought was the self -capable accountant and cheap labor, so he recovered his own factory again with money. At this time, his good was that he knew that Steen was in a difficult help, but he turned a blind eye.
    Is when the Nazis's hatred for Jews only increased, when he said love for the pastor, when he was shocked by Amon's killing 25 people, he helped the poor old couple and smart child, his Good start to expand. After
    , Sindler thought about others. He understood how thirsty the people in the train were. He understood the kindness of the Jewish girl, and his kindness had spread to everyone around him.
    In the end, when all the Jews were transported to Auschwitz, he redeemed thousands of lives with his own property, and he further realized the sin of the war. He does not allow himself to produce any available military supplies and spend money to support thousands of people. In the end, his goodness moved everyone, German soldiers gave up the killing, the Jews let go of hatred, and Sindler also received the recognition of him by the world. He transformed from a profitable businessman to a permanent person.
    I believe that human nature is evil, and people always gradually become better in their lives. Recently, many minors have committed many kinds of crimes. Is it that the development of society is becoming more and more indifferent. Has people have become a work of work, rather than a soul with temperature? Or modern examination education education education education? The biggest disadvantage has gradually been revealed?
    When people were born, they did not understand what kind of goodness was. Based on what we saw and heard, education has a great role in it. At this moment when we are close to adults, we will still be controlled by some people or things. Therefore, if we want the world to warmer again and make people feel goodwill, we should first start with ourselves and be transformed from ourselves. Regardless of whether others are right or wrong, as long as we follow the goodwill in our hearts and infect others, this world must be full of goodwill.
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