2 thoughts on “jane marie jewelry wholesale How is the pendant rope?”

  1. custom bling jewelry wholesale The following mainly uses the diagram pendant knotting method to operate the pendant rope editing method.

    In step -by -step reading mode
    Tool materials:
    The perforated jewelry pendant (natural crystal, gemstone, jade can be)
    series rope of pendant pendant, one Put the scissors and a lighter.
    O operation method
    In the front -end line header on the rope of the flooding rope prepared in advance, and quickly screw it into filaments with your hands (see the picture, here should pay attention to prevent it from preventing it here. Spread it), then cut off the excess and uneven parts of the rope with scissors.

    Mon the pendant rope through the perforation of the pendant (see the picture), and then pay attention to the distance between the pendant hole and the top of the rope (you can reserve the length according to your actual needs to reserve the length )

    The pendant facing up the front, separating the pendant rope, tied with the No. 1 rope and No. 2 rope, and gently tighten the ends of the rope, as shown in the small picture in the lower left corner of the figure. Essence

    This pendant over, the back faces upwards, knotted according to the mutual binding method of step 3, and tightened the rope gently, as shown in the small picture in the lower right corner of the figure

    The pendant facing up the front, repeatedly knotted according to step 3-4.

    In three steps to repeat three or more, you can get the look of the pendant knotting method. At this time, you can choose not to continue knotting.

    After the pendant is knotted, the excess rope end is quickly cut off with scissors to ensure that it is tidy after cutting. )

    In the lighter to burn the rope port and press the rope port.

    . At this point, this pendant rope compilation is completed (Figure 9), how about, very simple, you try it too!
    In newly bought a pendant to knot?

    It to talk about this pendant, this is what many people like. If the pendant is precious metal, the value is even higher. So in order to make the pendant look good and firm, I will share with you a method of knotting a pendant rope.

    The preparation tools are as follows:

    The perforated jewelry pendant (natural crystal, gemstone, jade can be)

    series of rope of pendant pendant, one Put the scissors and a lighter.

    In the preparation of the front -fired burn of the burn rope on the two -ends of the burn rope, and quickly twist it into a filament -shaped (see the picture, here to prevent it from being hot), and then use it with the hand), and then use it. Scissors cut off the excess and uniform parts of the rope.

    Mon the pendant rope through the perforation of the pendant (see the picture), and then pay attention to keep the pendant hole and the top of the rope about 1 cm distance (you can reserve length according to your actual needs)

    The pendant faces upwards, separates the pendant rope, tie the rope No. 1 and No. 2 rope, and gently pull the ends of the rope,
    n Essence

    This pendant over, the back faces upwards, knotted according to the mutual binding method of step 3, and gently tightened the rope.
    n 3-4 Repeat knots.

    In three steps to repeat three or higher steps, you can get Figure 6 pendant knotting method. At this time, you can choose not to continue knotting.

    In the pendant is completed, cut off the excess ends quickly with scissors to ensure that it is tidy after cutting. Do not cut too much or too little (reserve about 1-2 mm) n
    Then use the lighter to burn the rope port and press the flat rope port.

    In this, this pendant rope compilation method is completed (Figure 9), how about, it is very simple, you can try it too

  2. wholesale high end jewelry china Method of tie tutorial pendant rope

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