1 thought on “Kindergarten Little Class Manual Teaching Plan "Rabbit Lantern"”

  1. Activity goals:
    1. Learn to rub the Lantern Festival with wet glutinous rice flour and be able to make a round.
    2. Can feel the happiness of the Lantern Festival.
    Cope preparation:
    1. Please collect lanterns and arrange the activity room.
    2. Moderate amount of damp -glutinous rice flour, disinfected plates one by one.
    3. Wash your hands with soap.
    The activity process:
    . Watch the lanterns and perceive the Lantern Festival.
    1. Children are free to watch lanterns and appreciate each other.
    2. Test of children's discussion: Why do you want to play lanterns now?
    3. Summary: On the day of the Lantern Festival, everyone must watch lanterns, play lanterns, make Lantern Festival, and eat Lantern Festival.
    . Guide children to rub the Lantern Festival.
    1. The teacher introduces the material of the Lantern Festival, wet glutinous rice flour.
    2. Discussion and production method guide children to rub the glutinous rice flour to grow, and then divide them into sections, and finally round each paragraph.
    three, children's operation.
    The teacher divided the wet glutinous rice flour to the young children and let the children operate by themselves. Remind young children not to drop the Lantern Festival to the ground to avoid staining. Then send the children's late Lantern Festival to the kitchen and ask the master to help cook.
    In middle shift language: Interesting lantern riddles
    This Objectives:
    . Knowing the customs of rewarding lantern guessing the Lantern Festival, you can understand the structure of lantern riddles.
    . Actively participate in the guessing activities, experience the happiness of conjecture and speculation.
    The activity preparation:
    The various lanterns and lantern riddles exhibited in the park.
    The activity suggestion:
    . Take the child to the lantern exhibition area with a walk time to carry out a guessing activity to help the children understand the lantern riddle consist of the mystery and the mystery.
    . It can be carried out in the form of teachers' puzzles and children's guessing.
    It large class language activity "Lantern viewing, guessing the lantern illegal"
    activity content:
    language activity "lantern viewing, guessing lantern puzzle"
    Activity target Children understand the customs of watching lanterns and guessing lantern riddles, and feel the joy of the festival.
    2. You can describe your lanterns in a clear and coherent language and tell a riddle.
    3. Develop children's language communication ability.
    Activity background:
    "Lantern Festival" on the fifteenth month of the first month, the children followed the adults to visit the lantern festival.
    Cope preparation:
    1. Material-each person prepares a lantern with a riddle on it. Small prizes.
    2. Knowledge-there is a holiday life experience.
    The activity process:
    . Introduction
    In the door to see the mountain and introduce the theme: The fifteenth month of the first month, the lantern guessing the lantern is one of our customs and habits of the Lantern Festival.
    . Expand
    1. Lantern activity.
    (1) Children appreciate each other's lanterns. Teachers guide the children to introduce the shape, color, name and special place of their lanterns in a coherent language.

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