konov jewelry wholesale Which color of color diamonds are the most expensive? What is the price of diamonds for diamonds?

konov jewelry wholesale

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  1. coconut jewelry wholesale The diamond is the king of gems, and the colorful diamond is the pride in the diamond. Its gorgeous colors and brilliant glory make people dump and fascinates. Since ancient times, color stations have been the treasures of the emperor's princes and giant merchants. According to relevant experts, every 100,000 gem -grade diamonds in the world may encounter a color diamond. The price of color diamonds is more than 200 times higher than the colorless diamonds of the same volume, and more than two thousand times more expensive than the same weight. The rare and expensive prices of colorful diamonds are really staggering and shocking. If you can have a color diamond, you may have everything.

    In relevant records of ancient books, the earliest colorful big diamonds in the world are mostly produced in India. In the ancient diamond mines in India, the "Hope" diamonds that have produced blue, pink "Big Mo Hug" diamonds, "Deyston" green diamonds, "Typhon" yellow diamonds and other famous World -class color diamonds. A few days ago, most of this colorful diamond was embedded in the crown of the royal family in some countries in Eurasia, and some embedded on the scepter, which became a symbol of wealth and power. It is a rare thing for ordinary people to see.

    The diamonds in the northern my country also found that the "Linyi County Chronicle" was written as early as 1917: "Vajrayana is clear as water and colorless, and those with white, yellow, red and green colors For treasure decorations, small ones can draw glass, often picking it, not constant. "It shows that as early as a hundred years ago, color diamonds have been found in my country and used to make" treasures ".

    In the past ten years, at a jewelery exhibition held in Europe and the United States, the exhibition and auction activities of color diamonds have successfully attracted a large number of customers. It played a significant role. As a result, the colorful diamond itself shows the audience, revealing the mysterious veil of the very rare and expensive colorful diamonds, so that ordinary consumers have the opportunity to view the honorable and honorable appearance of colorful diamonds, which has stimulated people's stronger interest in jewelry. Hobbies.

    For colorless diamonds, the slightly slightly yellow showing the colorless diamonds is regarded as the main factor of diamond reduction. Therefore, in the evaluation of colorless diamonds, 100 -color evaluation standards are implemented in my country, which is called "100 -color". The "pure drill" with crystal flawless and transparent water, the diamonds without the slightest yellow and other mixed tones are set as 100 colors, which are the best in colorless diamonds. The light yellow diamonds that are difficult to observe with the naked eye are set to 99 to 95 color grades. Such diamonds are also high -quality products in colorless diamonds. It can be detected with the naked eye, and the lower the color level, the more obvious the yellow tone. By the diamonds below 75, the light miscellaneous tone is easy to see with the naked eye. Such diamonds can not be used for gemstones to be used for yellow treatment.

    among colorless diamonds, there is also a crystal flawless, transparent diamond, and can feel a pure and light blue with the naked eye. This diamond is called "water and fire diamond". It is also the best in colorless diamonds.

    The various pigments that most of the natural diamonds contain. Generally speaking, pigmentation has a great impact on the quality of colorless diamonds, such as impure slight blue or slightly yellow. , Brown and brown, are important factors that reduce colorless diamonds. However, when diamonds have pure and very obvious colors, this diamond does not belong to the scope of "colorless diamond", especially when it has bright red, dark blue, pink, roses, golden and green and other colors, and other colors, etc., and color, Both are rare color diamonds. The color diamonds that have been known a few days ago can be divided into the following:

    1. Red diamonds: red diamonds are divided into blood diamonds and purple -red diamonds according to the color tone. Blood diamonds are bright red like blood, and they are extremely beautiful. They are extremely precious and rare in color diamonds. In the spring of 1989, at a jewelry exhibition in Paris, France, a blood diamond weighed 2.23 carats, named "Laki", raced the price of 42 million US dollars. The beauty of "Laki" is dumped, and its expensive price is dazzling. Compared with the price of gold at the time, it was more than 100,000 times gold, which was more than two thousand times more expensive than colorless diamonds. "Laki" blood diamonds are originally produced in the ancient King Kong stone mining area Golg for India, which means the geomorphic power of "big wealth". From the perspective of its criticism, it has a history of nearly 500 years.

    In April 1987, a purple -red color drill weighing 0.95 carats weighing 0.95 carats in the United States, with a hammer of 880,000 US dollars, plus other costs of nearly $ 950,000, set up, which created it, which created it. Purple -red color drilling the highest record of nearly one million US dollars per carat. It is understood that a total of several blood diamonds in the world are found. One of the Smithson College Museum in the United States is still kept. Where the rest falls, it is not known for the world.

    . The pink diamond: It is a lighter pink or rosy color diamond, with light and quiet colors and elegant and luxurious style. In 1980, a pink diamonds weighing 2.27 carats weighing 2.27 carats were sold in Switzerland, priced at 127,000 beauty. In June 1990, a pink diamond that was originally a pink drill from the Emperor Mo Hede, the Emperor of the northern Indian empire in London, Britain. The drill was 32.24 carats, and it was hammered with £ 4.07 million and an average of 220,000 meters per carat. According to reports: When the king of Iran held a wedding in 1958, a giant pink diamond was inlaid in the crown wearing it, weighing about 60 carats. After research, the pink diamond was originally named "The Sea of ​​Light", which weighed 787 carats. It was produced in the famous Coller Diamond Mine in the Goreka area of ​​ancient India in the 17th century. He was owned by the king, and later tribes to the Emperor of the Mughal Empire Sha Jiehan. After the first time in India, it became a diamond jewelry weighing only 300 carats. In 1739, the King of Persia, Nadil, led the army to enter the capital of Mughar's capital, so the "sea of ​​light" became the warrior of the Persian kingdom and was brought back to Tehran. After several modifications, now there are only 60 carats of modern critics, and it is renamed "Eye of Light" inlaid on the crown worn in the Wedding of the Iranian king.

    Mane diamond, in the diamond mine in the Agale area in Australia, there are a certain amount of pink diamond and rose diamond output. The general particle size is not large, the average price per carakia is priced at $ 1,000, and the average price is $ 1,000. Among them, a 3.5 -carat rose gem -grade diamond sales price was $ 3.5 million.

    three, green diamonds: The green hue in the diamond varies, and the green depth of green diamonds is different. Generally speaking, it is better to be green and elegant. One of the most famous green diamonds in the world was the "Dreston" green diamond discovered in 1743. It weighs 408 old carats and is a uniform apple green. At that time, it was worth 3 million pounds, and the lowest valuation was still worth 10 million. Vajrayana Mines in the Tancheng area of ​​Shandong have also found dark green diamond particles many times.

    Four, yellow diamonds: Some people are also called golden diamonds, which refers to a yellow or golden diamond diamond with a pure color and bright color in the diamond. In addition to yellow and golden yellow, there are also common wine, amber color diamonds. Such as "Typhoni" yellow diamonds, "Tiberis" golden diamond (the drill weighs 234.5 carats), the "golden chicken diamond" produced in Laocheng, Shandong, weighs 281. 25 carats. The drill is very strong apricot yellow, and it is very gorgeous. It is the largest golden diamond found in the world. In 1938, he was robbed by the Japanese invading army, and his whereabouts were unknown.

    five, blue diamonds: also a very charming color diamond. Diamonds that can be called blue diamonds must be pure blue, blue, and dark blue diamonds. For example, the "Queen of the Netherlands" is a famous blue drill, which weighs 136.5 carats. "Hope Diamond" is also a famous dark blue drill. When people saw the deep blue color of "I hope Diamonds", they mistakenly believe that it was a sapphire. However, sapphire does not have such a strong luster, and the "hope" gemstone can radiate colorful light, and the hardness is much stronger than Gangyu's. It was later identified as a blue color diamond after many identification. The blue diamond native to India has vicissitudes and is now in the hands of Americans.

    . 6. Black diamonds: General black opaque diamonds are the most valuable varieties in diamonds. They can only be used for industrial grinding materials. The black diamonds mentioned here are just dark and dark diamonds. This diamond still has the colorful and colorful diamonds. For example, on June 2, 1986, in order to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the Amsterdam Diamond Center in the Netherlands, the largest black diamond "Berrant" in the world was displayed. For the whole three years of careful processing, thousands of days and nights of hard work, the children's passage, finally pondered the exquisite finished products with only 42 carats. Although the weight was reduced by two -thirds, it still still It is the largest "black diamond" in the world. This black diamond is actually a gray diamond with excellent diamonds with a diameter of 22 mm and 14 mm high, flashing with deep and dense glory. From its unique quality, pondering the time consuming,

    The difficulty in processing to keep up with it. This is a diamond that is difficult to estimate. Be precious.

    The colorful and beautiful color and beauty of color diamonds win people's hearts, favored by people. Therefore, color diamonds cannot be constant with the standard of colorless diamonds. The important factor in evaluating the colorful diamond is its beautiful and charming color; the gorgeous and pure color causes the degree of love: and the level of people's appreciation of colors is an important basis for evaluating color diamonds. As long as there are loved colors, diamonds can sell expensive "sky -high" although small.

    In addition to the color, the second is the purity of the color diamond. The purity of the color diamond is often high because of the color factors, and there is no high requirements for colorless diamonds. However, defects and cracks cannot be ignored. Furthermore, the processing of colored diamonds is a very laborious and high -level creative process, which cannot be processed according to the standard of colorless diamonds. For colored diamonds, good critics can maximize the color of the color drill itself, so that the brightness and flash of the color diamond can be unified with the colors of the color diamond itself.

    It due to the strong market demand for color drills, the high -world "sky -high price" has become an important commodity for large capital consortia to buy investment. At the same time, it has also stimulated the development of artificially changing the diamond industry. In addition to the original color coating method, artificial radiation treatment and color coating have appeared. The diamonds treated with this color change are different from natural color diamonds. Without investment preservation value -added value, it only has a color decoration effect.

  2. sapphire gemstone jewelry wholesale 1. The main value of the color diamond is its color and rarity, so the selection of color drills is based on color. The higher the color saturation, the higher the color diamond value of the color, and the higher the price is higher. Generally speaking Come, the clarity of the color diamond is a little worse than the white diamond, as long as the clarity is not bad.
    2. The price of color diamonds has great differences due to the different color rarity. In terms of color value, from high to low in order: red, blue, pink, green, yellow, brown ... And black is the lowest price.
    3. Diamond diamond diamonds In terms of cost -effective, the procurement model of diamonds is directly purchased by the source of the diamond, which is 1/3 of the market price. High, high discounts.
    In quality, the same quality of diamonds is the same. The same style is half the price. Compared with some jewelry brands, it is 70 percent. In terms of quality, the diamond ring is high level in the color, clarity, and cutting of diamonds to ensure that the diamond can be shining and dazzling.
    It diamond style, in terms of diamond ring style, the relatively mature inlay inlaid is inlaid, firm and beautiful. A variety of styles to meet the individual needs of different people.
    The key points! Intersection From the most important after -sales sales, Diaoying retails at international transaction prices and recovered at international transaction prices to play a drilling experience for permanent value -preserving and repurchase. This is the only brand in the industry that can be permanently preserved and repurchased.

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