novelty jewelry wholesale Is the fashion chain FAC, fashion planet, and FASHIONET.

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2 thoughts on “novelty jewelry wholesale Is the fashion chain FAC, fashion planet, and FASHIONET.”

  1. wholesale fashion jewelry in chicago This is the same blockchain project. It was called a fashion chain FAC in the early stage. In the later period, due to the re -complex problem of the name, it is now called fashion planet Fashionet. In INS, Twitter, and white books, the name is also changed to the fashion planet Fashionet.

  2. cheap jewelry wholesale china It is the same thing
    fashionet to build a decentralized trading system based on blockchain technology, solve the pain points of cross -border transactions in the fashion industry, optimize the global fashion industry supply chain, and apply blockchain technology to fashion entities The "main battlefield" in the economic field is empowering the cross -border transactions of all parties in the industry, greatly improving the cross -border circulation efficiency of the fashion supply chain, greatly reducing the cost, and the establishment of the Chinese fashion industry production and retail through the supply -side reform. Core position.

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