wholesale automotive jewelry The fourth grade of the mother's love composition

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  1. fine jewelry wholesale dropshippers The mother's love is selfless, and the mother's love is great. Whether the mother is harsh or gentle to us, this is the mother's love for us. Let ’s share your love composition for your mother. Let’ s take a look together!
    The love composition for mother 1 In daily life, the family is most concerned about me. She raises me. How much cost and effort she paid. I also have to do something for my mother to express my love for my mother.
    The summer vacation last year. One day, I was at home alone. After finishing my mother's assignments, I couldn't help turning on the TV. I didn't intend to see a picture of such a picture: a four or five -year -old boy was shaking with the water basin, water flowers With his face and body splashing, his mother was very happy. This picture is deeply imprinted in my mind. So I also want to do something for my mother. So I started. Take out the washbasin first, put it aside carefully, hold the water heater, and try to add some cold water. Try it with your hands. At this time, I suddenly heard the footsteps of "gurgling gurgling" from outside the door. It must be that my mother came back. I hurried into the bathroom. At this time, my mother entered the house, and I was carefully holding a pot of heavy water in front of my mother. I said enthusiastically, "Please." My mother sat down happily. I helped my mother take off my socks, put my feet gently into the water, and rolled up the sleeve and started to give it. I gently pushed the water on my mother's feet, and kept rubbing my feet and roots very carefully. At this time, I realized that my mother's feet were tied with many cocoons. This was caused by work and housework all day. How hard is my mother! I washed my mother's feet and picked up the feet cloth to wipe my mother. At this time, my mother smiled brightly in the water, and I didn't mention it. My mother stroked my head gently, and said happily: "Thank you son, it's really comfortable, eliminating my fatigue for a day, I will be younger."
    In this experience of washing my feet, I gave my mother to my mother After bringing gratitude, I also understand the hard work of my mother. I must study hard to repay my mother's raising grace. We must respect our mother, help our mother do what they can do, reduce the burden of our mother, and deeply express our love for our mother. I think that the mother would laugh even more brilliant at that time!
    The love composition for mothers 2 In everyone's heart, mother love is great, and when Mother's Day is approaching, I think of my mother, thought of my mother's love, and the ordinary scene in life in life. It contains my mother's endless love for me.
    M mother loves me with my eyes. Whenever I am sick, your eyes are anxious. Whenever I achieve good results, your eyes are proud of my mother love me. When I fall down At that time, you will use your hands to help me and pat my body. Whenever I go home with my schoolbag, you will not hesitate to help me hold a schoolbag. When I encounter difficulties, I encounter difficulties. At this time, you will pat my shoulders, which makes me feel that I know a powerful force. I know that I can't change the money in my mother's eyes. I am everything from my mother and my mother's thousands of money.
    Remembering once, after I was carrying a schoolbag home, I sat on the sofa, shaking all over, sweating on the clothes, and my clothes were soaked. I thought: If someone is here to care about me What a good! This is a pair of warm hands on my forehead and said: Daughter, you have a fever. After speaking, my mother sent me to a nearby hospital. The doctor said it was okay, so don't worry. My mother was relieved and looked at me with a smile, and I was asleep. After writing here, I can't help but sing the only mother in the world. The children who have mothers are like many parents in the world. They have always paid for their children silently. Let us say thank you for your children. Take care, you will always be our pillar.
    Mama's day is here, let us say to our mother on this special holiday, my mother I love you. Thanks to my mother for their love, and thank my mother for giving me a blue sky in our growth process and let us fly freely.
    The love composition for my mother 3 My mother is a kind mother. She not only gave me life, but also educated me to grow up. Every day she cooks and washing for me, and sent me to school to pick me home. She often practiced English words with me, and she often wrote homework with me very late. My grades are examined, my mother will reward me; the grades are poor, my mother will comfort me, criticize me, and find out my shortcomings; my mother's love for me is fine, and my mother can't finish my concern. I often think I can care about my mother?
    March 8th is the International Women's Day. I was ready to wash my mother's feet after dinner that day. I poured some boiling water into the washbasin, and added some cold water to try the moderate test water. Let me first take off my mother and put my feet into the water. After a while, I learned the steps of my mother to wash my feet. I washed my feet, then my feet, and finally washing my feet. I rubbed it on my mother's feet, pinched it, pinched my mother, and I was so happy to see my mother so happy.
    After washing my feet, my mother gave me a sweet kiss, and the kiss was always sweet.
    The love composition of mother 4 My love is really insignificant compared to the love of my mother. It is said that mother love is selfless and great. I deeply appreciate it. I often think, how much I love my mother, can my mother realize my love?
    These days, my father was busy with work. Only my mother and I were at home. One day, my mother suddenly became ill.
    I don't know what to do. I imitated my mother to take care of me to take care of my mother. I first brought a glass of water for my mother, and then took a piece of medicine to let her take it with peace of mind. Sometimes sleeping with my mother in bed, I always drill my mother's quilt first. When the quilt is warming, I call my mother drill and make her feel warm. Although I only gave my mother a glass of water and took a piece of medicine to warm the quilt, but she was very satisfied with her expression.
    Once, my mother was unhappy, lying on the bed, and I saw it. I walked over and said to my mother, "Mom, I know, you are unhappy now! Is it me angry with you? "Mom said," No, do n’t ask so much for children. "I thought about saying," Mom, don't think you are angry, you want you to have new clothes to wear, cakes to eat! "Mom thought I laughed when I was thinking, and I said happily, "Mom laughed! Mom laughed!"
    This is not enough to make my mother so satisfied. Gu Shi said: "Whoever speaks grass is heartbroken and reports Sanchunhui." Mother love like sunshine cannot be repaid. In fact, my love for my mother is also learned from my mother. As the saying goes, people should live with a grateful heart. Because this gratitude makes us live happier, and the world will be wider.
    The love composition for mothers 5 Tomorrow is the International "March 8" Women's Day, and it is a festival for mothers in the world. I want to give a gift to my mother. I wish my mother a festive day. The gift I gave is that I want to say to my mother's heart: Mom, I love you!
    . My mother is very careful and concerned about me, especially in learning, it is not sloppy at all. Usually, my mother taught my homework. Moms who do n’t understand always give me patiently. Listening, let me understand, I also do it very seriously. My mother can complete my homework independently. It is very happy and very big to me. But just last night, the mother unit invited a guest to eat, and left after picking up me. Let me finish my homework. After I came back, I checked it. The mother came back at 7:30. After checking mathematics, when my mother finished watching mathematics homework, I was very angry. I asked me to check it again. I said that I did nothing wrong. My mother looked at me so much and slapped me hard. I usually never beat me. I know that my mother is really sad today. When my mother showed me the wrong question, I couldn't believe it. I was wrong. I was wrong because my mother was not at home. I was lazy. The paper column is vertical. No wonder my mother would be so angry. I really should fight. At that time, I was still blaming my mother to hit me. Later, I thought it was really wrong, but I did not admit wrong my mother at that time.
    Today, I want to say what I want to say to my mother while my mother festivals, as a gift for my mother. I hope my mother can forgive me after reading it. Mom, I want to say to you: This time I was really wrong. I shouldn't be so careless. I disappointed your expectations for me. In the future, I will do my homework seriously and return your love for me with excellent results. Intersection
    The love essay for mothers 6 In this world, "love" is very common. Sometimes we are cared for by others, enjoying a kind of love, and sometimes you give others "love" unknowingly. And I think the parents give us most in the world, what should we do for them ...
    In a gloomy afternoon, I read a book at home from school. Opening the window and looking out, a cold wind blew on my body, and I snoring. When the rain was pouring in the sky, my mother was going to get off work. I wonder if she had a rainy gear. How did she go home? At this time, I remembered countless such rainy days. If I did n’t bring an umbrella when I rained when I was from school, my mother would appear in front of me at that critical moment -every time she had to ask for leave to pick me up! I'm idle now, it's better to pick up my mother. So I wore raincoats and raincoers, picked up the umbrella and went out of the house. I do n’t need to worry about this road from the unit from the unit to get off work. I must have a colleague together. I just wait for the station where she gets off. I thought to walk in the direction of the station. The rain was too heavy, and the road was hard to walk. After walking for a long time, I arrived at the station.
    This on the station is very quiet, empty and empty, only me. The lightning in the sky flashed from time to time, and the water on the ground accumulated more and more. I feel a little scared, but I cheer myself: Don't be afraid! Not afraid. Nothing, I am a man, I must wait until my mother comes back.
    E every car stopped on the station, I carefully looked at the person from the car, for fear of missing my mother, a burst of cold wind blew, I froze, so I found a one How much can avoid the wind and squat down and continue watching this car, enter and get out of the station. Finally, I saw a familiar figure out of the car, and I ran up.
    can wait for your mother -my good mother!
    Life is a mirror. You are uneasy, and it is angry; you give me gentleness, and it smiles back.
    The love essay for mothers 7 Today is Women's Day, which is the mother's festival. She has to go to work and take care of me every day. It is very hard. In order to show my love for my mother, I am going to send my mother a greeting card.
    I I have prepared cardboard, scissors, crayons and decorations! I first took out a pair of double -colored card paper, one side was orange, and the other was yellow. I made the orange cover, the yellow was made, and thought: Use orange to make the cover, and then draw three red love, indicating that our family of three is happy and happy, and always together. With a bright and dark, perfect match, the mother will definitely like it. Then, I put on the pink bow, wrote a big word of "love", and also put on the shiny decorations, like a diamond, thinking: Mom will definitely be amazed. In the end, I enriched the interior of the greeting card. First of all, the three hearts represent my love for my mother, and then the blessing I gave my mother. Finally, I wrote "Mom I love you!" I thought it was simple and refreshing. nice. what! Gonggong is successful! After busy in the afternoon class, I finally made the greeting card. I looked at it and looked at it. It felt pretty good, that is, the overall effect was not very satisfied. I hope that the next time I do better, I hope my mother can like it.
    I back home and thought: How should I give it to my mother? Put in the drawer? No, it is too hidden, so it is difficult for mothers to find. It was too obvious on the bedside table, and finally I put the greeting card next to the TV. "咚 咚" came a knock on the door. It should be that my mother came back. Suddenly, I was nervous. When my mother entered the door, I shouted: Mom! Please enter the room. As soon as my mother entered the room, he said in surprise: "Wow! Is this greeting card you made? Mom likes it very much." I said at ease: "Hmm! This is the holiday greeting card I gave you." "Well, it's good! Creative! "Mom said. She watched it over and over again, and she couldn't help it. She hugged me and flowed out of tears. At this time, Grandma quickly said, "After returning home, he helped me make a greeting card! I wrote a lot of blessings, really my grandmother's good grandson." The mother looked at her face, with a sweet smile on her face. She said: "Well, we have grown up! Understanding the biggest love for mothers to give my mother!"
    This is always so happy to make a greeting card, and the content is always so colorful. I look forward to the next 38th Women's Day, try to do better, so that my love will always warm my mother.
    The love essay for my mother, I am very grateful for your care, care and care for me in the past few years. Your love for me cannot be described in words, I love you, mother. My love for you is as boundless as the sky; my love for you is as bright as a diamond; my love for you is as deep as the sea; my love for you Liang ...
    Mom, my love is as unable to describe it as you love me. I have watched a movie called "Witch's Urgent House". How much I want to become the witch in the movie, so that I can take my dearest mother to play in the sky.
    Mom, I really want to grow up soon, go to college, find a job, make money, let you live in a luxurious house, let you eat the meals I made every day.
    The what I have to do now is to study hard and use the spare time to help you do something that I can do.
    I how I want to become a little fairy in a fairy tale, and change many beautiful clothes for you to wear; change a large house for you to live; change many nanny to serve you; don't you like massage your feet? Intersection Then I will give you two foot therapists to massage your feet.
    Mom, in order to make me live a good life, you should also enjoy the blessing, I will always love you, I will always be your good daughter. I will work hard to learn, strive to become a good life, and return to your raising grace.

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