wholesale craft and jewelry making supplies How can I become a registered asset appraiser, what kind of professional ethics should registered asset appraisers follow?

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2 thoughts on “wholesale craft and jewelry making supplies How can I become a registered asset appraiser, what kind of professional ethics should registered asset appraisers follow?”

  1. resin jewelry wholesale Hello, those who obtain the professional qualification certificate of asset appraisers shall abide by national laws, regulations, and asset evaluation industries related system criteria, abide by professional ethics, adhere to the principles of objective fairness, and safeguard the country and social public interests.
    The person who obtains the professional qualification certificate of the asset appraiser shall have the occupational ability:
    (1) Familiar with the relevant laws, regulations and industry systems, and standards of the asset evaluation industry; External assessment technical methods and evaluation market development trends, have strong pioneering and innovative capabilities;
    (3) Use evaluation professional theories and methods to better complete the asset evaluation business;
    (4) independently solve assets to solve assets independently Evaluate difficulties in business.
    The person who obtains the professional qualification certificate of asset appraisers shall participate in continuing education in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national professional and technical personnel continuing education and the relevant provisions of the asset evaluation industry management, continuously update professional knowledge, and improve vocational quality and business capabilities.
    The person who obtains an asset appraiser's professional qualification certificate through the exam, and complies with the personnel who complies with the requirements of the entrance of the Economist of Economic Professionals. The employer can choose to be a professional position of an economist according to the needs of the work.
    The notice of the "Interim Regulations on Printing and Distributing the Provisional Regulations on the Evaluation of the Registered Asset Evaluation Qualification System" and the "Implementation Measures for the Implementation of the Registered Asset Evaluation Qualification Examination" 〕 No. 54) and the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Finance's "Notice on Added Jewelry Evaluation Professional Issues in Registered Asset Appraisers' qualifications" (Renfa [2003] No. 19), which has obtained the qualifications of registered asset appraisers practice qualifications Certificate is equivalent to the effectiveness of the occupational qualification certificate obtained from the requirements of these regulations.

  2. beijing building jewelry wholesale center Registered asset appraisers refer to asset appraisers who have obtained the "Registered Asset Evaluation Qualification Certificate" and have been registered after passing the national unified examination. Any citizen of the People's Republic of China, who abide by the law and have one of the following conditions, can participate in the qualification examination of the registered asset appraiser:

    (1) Obtain economic and engineering college degree, full work is full In 5 years, it has been engaged in asset evaluation related work for 3 years.
    (2) Obtained a bachelor's degree in economic and engineering universities, and has worked for 3 years.
    (3) Get a master's degree in economics, engineering or second bachelor's degree, graduate graduate class, and work for 1 year.
    (4) Obtaining a doctorate in economics and engineering.
    (5) Graduated from non -economic and engineering majors, and its corresponding working years have been extended by 2 years.
    (6) Do not have the above -mentioned academic qualifications, but through the national unified economic, accounting, and audit primary qualification examinations, we have obtained corresponding professional and technical qualifications, and have been engaged in asset evaluation related work for 5 years.

    The person who has been engaged in asset assessment related work for 2 years, and personnel who are appraised as personnel of high -level professional and technical positions of economic and engineering in accordance with relevant national regulations, you can exempt 1 corresponding examination subjects. Among them, personnel who are appraised as senior engineers (including the corresponding professional associate professors, associate researchers, etc.) can be exempted from the "Basis of Electromechanical Equipment Evaluation" or "Basis of Construction Engineering Evaluation"; Personnel who are associates) can be exempted from the Economic Law; senior accountants or senior auditors (including the corresponding professional associate professors, associate researchers, etc.), which can be exempted from the "Financial Accounting". The professional ethics that the registered asset appraiser should follow:. The professional ethics of the registered asset appraiser refers to the professional ethics and moral norms that the registered asset appraiser should have in the occupational activities of the asset evaluation. Teachers and professionals in asset evaluation work should have occupational ideals, professional attitudes, professional competence, occupational conscience, occupational responsibilities, occupational honor and occupational discipline. reflect. • With the continuous improvement of the socialist market economy and the Chinese asset evaluation industry system, objectively requires the establishment of a professional ethics that are compatible with the professional work of the registered asset appraiser, making it a code of conduct and the code of conduct that the registered asset appraisers must consciously abide by Self -discipline standards. This is not only an objective requirement for implementing the Outline of Citizen's Ethics and Rectifying the order of the market economy. It is also an inevitable requirement for my country to develop the socialist market economy after joining the WTO. To this end, the asset appraisers must put forward the following practice requirements: (1) Love and dedication. This is the specific requirements of the professional ideal and occupational attitude of the registered asset appraiser, cherish the job and practice I chose, love my job, do a business, and do my duties. It is also the foundation and starting point for the work of registered asset appraisers. Only when the correct starting point is established, can we correct work attitude and establish a correct outlook on life, and will we work hard and study hard, actively participate in the follow -up education, and continuously improve business skills and policy levels. Only then can we consciously fulfill the duties of the post, establish the ideas of serving the people wholeheartedly, and properly handle the relationship, power, and benefit of the country, enterprises, and individuals; Regulations, registered asset appraisers' practice standards, and preventing bad behaviors such as negligence, negligence, malfeasance, and false evaluation reports. (2) Familiar with regulations and work in accordance with the law. Registered asset appraisers must not only follow the law with ordinary citizens, but also be familiar with regulations and work in accordance with the law. This is an important foundation for the professional ethics of registered asset appraisers, and it is also the top priority of the professional ethics norms of registered asset appraisers. Due to the extensive work of registered asset appraisers, the issues of law enforcement and regulations are involved everywhere. In order to properly handle the interests of all parties, registered asset appraisers should be familiar with financial and economic regulations and registered asset appraisers' laws and regulations, improve the concept of legal system during the practice process, achieve the law of the law, and the chapters of the rules, and keep the guards in accordance with the law. (3) Honesty and trustworthy. As an important part of the professional ethics of the registered asset appraiser, honest and trustworthy is the foundation and fundamental of all morals, the most important morality of human beings, the foundation of a person's standing, and an important virtue for dealing with interpersonal relationships. A registered asset appraiser with no faith, moral degradation, is difficult to do things in accordance with the law, objectively and fairly handle the evaluation business. Establishing and improving the practicing credit of registered asset appraisers, and cultivating the integrity of registered asset appraisers is a major issue for the successful advancement of the registered asset appraiser and the socialist market economy. (4) abide by the principles of independence, objective, and fair. This is the soul manifestation of the professional ethics of the registered asset appraiser, and it is also the most important professional behavior requirement for registered asset appraisers. The work of a registered asset appraiser is to accept the commission of asset possessive units or parties. In accordance with specific purposes, follow the basic principles of asset assessment, choose appropriate evaluation methods, and on the basis of comprehensive analysis of various factors that affect the various factors of asset valuations, the commission evaluation The reasonable current value of the assets on the benchmark date is estimated and judged. To this end, the registered asset appraisers are required to abide by the principles of independence, objective, and fair. The so -called independence, that is, registered asset appraisers, should be independent of asset occupation units or commissioned units in terms of essence and form, and there is no interest relationship with the entrusted unit and asset occupation units; China should be based on objective facts and seek truth from facts; so -called justice, that is, registered asset appraisers, should have an integrity and honesty, and treat the parties related to the interests fairly. The appraiser's personal morality. (5) Strive hard and improve skills. This is the specific requirements for the professional competence of registered asset appraisers. Registered asset appraisers must have the necessary professional knowledge and practical experience in order to properly handle the business of registered asset appraisers. The work of registered asset appraisers has the characteristics of strong policy, high technical requirements, and comprehensive knowledge, because it involves multiple professional knowledge such as economics, accounting, engineering technology. This determines that registered asset appraisers must be familiar with economic regulations and registered asset appraisers, and master the basic theory and professional knowledge required by registered asset appraisers. The more skilled the professional technology, the higher the quality and efficiency of work. (6) Conservative secrets and good service. Registered asset appraisers directly or indirectly informed the asset occupation units and state secrets and business secrets during the practice, and have confidentiality obligations to state secrets and business secrets. At the same time, with the further deepening of the reform and the acceleration of economic development, the competition and international standards of the evaluation service industry brought about to the WTO, and the service functions of registered asset appraisers have received increasing attention from people. Registered asset appraisers should adjust the type of service based on the new situation that has changed, ensure the focus of service, improve service quality, and improve the quality of services.

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