wholesale jewelry in dallas texas What is the role of southern red agate

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2 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry in dallas texas What is the role of southern red agate”

  1. custom costume jewelry wholesale First of all, the southern red agate is respected by red. This is inseparable from the ancient people's advocating red. The south red agate has the effect of wagging evil spirits and can remove turbid air. In addition, red symbolizes friendliness, love and hope, and can help the wearer reduce pressure and drive away fatigue.
    Secondly, the southern red agate can be "raised" as a treasure jade. The southern red agate contains a variety of trace elements (such as magnesium, selenium, iron, manganese, zinc, etc.) required by the human body. These trace elements can be absorbed by the human body through long -term wearing Metabolism and other effects. Wearing a South red bracelet can stimulate the hand acupoints and play a role in health care.
    It, the southern red agate can be used as medicine. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Li Shizhen: "Agate crumbs Ganping, non -toxic, treating heat in the stomach, full of breathing, quenching thirst, dandruff like Madou clothing like Madou clothing In this way, Jiufu is delayed lightly. Moist the heart and lungs, help the sound of the throat, nourish hair. Nourish the five internal organs, stop annoying. " It can be seen that Nanhong agate is very beneficial to the human body whether it is internal or worn.
    Finally, wearing his favorite South Red accessories can make people feel happy, thereby enhancing personal image temperament and confidence. Moreover, treasure jade has its own magnetic field, interacting with the human body, and has the effects of regulating emotions and being conducive to sleep.

  2. wholesale anchor jewelry South Red Agate is a type of agate. It is called "red jade" in ancient times. The texture is delicate and oily, which is a unique variety in China. Due to the scarce production, the price of old south red agate rose sharply. The southern red agate was used by the ancients and nourished the heart and nourish the blood. The current South Red Agate has established a three -legged trend with Hetian jade and emerald. So what are the effects and functions of South Red Agate?

    The effect and role of southern red agate

    1, southern red agate is one of the most healthy gems. In addition to the study of traditional Chinese medicine, in addition to the heat, the heart and the heart, the heart and the lungs, the sound of the throat, the hair nourishing the hair, the nourishing the five internal organs, the soul, the bloody blood, the eyes, the eyes, the blood circulation and the metabolism of the human body, and the skin is lubricated. Especially women, in the winter, many people are cold, and the baby can not bring them at any time. At this time, wearing a bunch of south red agate bracelets can improve the cold hands and feet. In addition, the South Red Aima also has the effects of regulating blood pressure, peaceful heart rate, and active internal organs and nourishing yin and lungs.

    2, southern red agate is also magical in terms of soothing pressure and improving sleep quality, which can help enhance human immunity and resistance. South Red Agate has a lot of effects. In the autumn and winter health, it really achieves both hearts and blood, which can nourish blood, and benefit the body and mind.

    3, south red agate bracelets or south red bracelets are not light. Wear it on the hand. With the movement of the hand, it will form a small electromagnetic field with the human body for a long time and resonate with the human body. It can be coordinated. The operation of the organs makes people stabilize emotions and concentrate, so as to stabilize people's emotions, and play a role in enhancing their reaction ability and concentrated attention. In this process, they will inadvertently massage the acupuncture points and tibia of the wrist to promote blood circulation. Because the left hand is closest to the heart, it is best to wear the South Red Bracelet or Nanhong Bracelet on the left hand.

    4, bright colors of South Red Agate can help increase people's confidence, help people get rid of the negative mentality, determine the future goals, and aggressive. In addition, Nanhong agate can also strengthen creativity and creativity, and strengthen the activity of thinking. There is such a record in "Shenfa Herbal": Nanhong can "remove medium heat, moisturize the heart and lungs, help sound throat, nourish hair, nourish the five internal organs, peace of mind, bloody blood, and bright ears." Therefore, wearing Nanhong agate can balance the physiological functions of the human body and achieve the effect of stable spirit and calm emotions.

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