wholesale oklahoma jewelry How many boards do you need to make an eight square meter closet and closet

wholesale oklahoma jewelry

4 thoughts on “wholesale oklahoma jewelry How many boards do you need to make an eight square meter closet and closet”

  1. wholesale replica tiffany jewelry china According to you 8 square meters, I guess the height of the floor is about 2.9 meters, so the length is about 2.75 meters.
    If, according to a cuboid 6 plane, the back is thinner for a while.
    The width of the side is calculated by 600, that is, the sauce purple:
    side: 2.4*0.6*4 = 2 pieces
    Side: 0.5*0.6*4 = 1 piece
    Below: 2.7* 0.6*5 = 3 pieces
    The back of the back of the back, the cabinet is 6-7 thick. Or customized? How many drawers do you need to do? Do I need a dressing mirror? What is the hardware material inside?
    I I am not a professional design cabinet. There must be a lot of things that have not been considered. I still ask the carpenter master to estimate it will be more accurate.

  2. wholesale teacher jewelry There are many types of wardrobe plates, commonly large core boards, density boards (fiber plates), multi -layer solid wood plates, solid wood granular boards, etc.
    Stime speaking, it is a cabinet embedded in the wall. You can make wardrobes to store clothing. You can also be used as a cabinet and set in the kitchen. The main advantage of the closet is to save space. The design embedded in the wall greatly saves space and enhances the use of space; and from the appearance, the cabinet feels small and thin, it will not have a thick feeling, and it is beautiful.

  3. toe ring jewelry wholesale It depends on the specific style of the wardrobe and the size of the length and height. Generally, the specifications of the board are 2400*1200, and how many boards can be calculated with a specific style.

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